Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wed - Back with Andy and Fry

Wide hammer grip pull downs
140 x 10, 180 x 10, 200 x 10, 210 x 10 x 2, 200 x 10

Seated row, wide grip
72 x 12 x 2
78 x 12 x 2
84 x 12 x 2

Bent Over Rows
100 x 10
120 x 10
130 x 12
140 x 8
130 x 8

Hammer Strength rows
40 x 12
80 x 10
100 x 8
100 x 9
80 x 10

B'hind head pull downs
130 x 10
140 x 10
150 x 9, x 9

Choice session. form on pull downs is better now. I can use my lats better. Happy with the bent over rows but need to tidy up form a bit. Lower back was ok too which is good. Hoovering the gym after training is a good warm down. Andy worked hard and is starting to use some good form. Will boost his control and confidence in the bench once he gets his lats stronger.

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