Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I've been slack up dating this log of late because I'm using a note book during my training sessions now. Its more accurate but I don't jump online straight away like I used to. Another downside is that during each session its hard to make notes about how I feel, what my form, or tightness was like etc. I'm forgetting all that by not updating this blog each day, so i'll make an effort from now on. This log is really to help me remember and play out each session in my head again. I didnt realize how helpful it had been until I'd slacked off. Anyway...

Friday Arms with Kaz (following on from last post)
This was our second session with speed work. We started half an hour earlier so we could do it properly and still fit in everything else. (no numbers here as the note book is in the van)

Close Grip got a PR with 110 x 8

Speed bench was with 55 then worked up to 60-65 once it was coming in under 2.4 seconds

Palms In Seated French Press - found a rusty old bar that only took the small holed plates. Was more awkward then I expected but I'll be doing it again next week. felt better on the wrists. Worked through 5 sets with about 30-40lbs

Push downs
Just the usual. 200 for multiple sets of 10-12

Band Push Downs
Blue band just to fininsh 3 x 15-20 reps

Used cable handles with chains as resisitance (no cables or weights, just chains). Ended up with 4 chains staggered up from the floor. At the top there was about 3 link, lengths off the floor. Loved this exercise and ended up doing 10 sets (nothing else for biceps). I've had a pretty viscious pain running up my arm when I barbell curl but I had no problems at all with these. I rate this exercise and will be doing a lot of it. My arms were still tight and tender on Tuesday (yesterday).

Ssaturday shoulders
This was nearly a write off. Was very tired and had fuckall in the tank. Seated presses were very heavy so split the session up with a coffee break and did some flyes and cable raises with face pulls. Suspected a rest would be in order

Monday hamstrings
Very late session(7.45pm) due to Aaliyah and her chicken pox (looks like a little zombie toddler).
Rev hypers - 15 x 12, 35 x 12 x 4

Deadlifts - my confidence is fucked with these. Until my back comes right Im only doing sets of 5 or less with these. I'm not afraid of the weight, just the weak reps. Got 200 ok, but 230 didnt budge a fucken inch. My back got really tight with these. looking to do more and more each week as first exercise.

Canterbury Stones
80kgs x 2 (straight lifts - no barrel), x 5, x4, x 3
I love these things. They are more of a full body exercise, but I can feel my confidence coming back for deadlifting by playing with these. Plus they're addictive as hell.
GHR mostly with bands. great exercise as always.
No farmers walks today as it was so late and only a short rest until chest in the morning.

Tuesday Chest.
Not too much different from last week.
incline - 60 x 10 x 3, 80 x 10, 90 x 10, 100 x 7, 90 x10. Smoked these this week. Very happy.

Decline - after the inclines i was feeling like I'd nail these. Didnt happen. Held back on the top sets and just did enough to progress a bit on last week without the big sets.
60 x 10, 100 x 10, 120 x 6, 130 x 40, 110 x 8. Should have made smaller jumps instead of trying to be ed coan.

Incline Flyes. new exercise. flyes with a slight incline. kept bottom of Dbells in slightly which made the stretch more intense. I can go deep on these so dont use too much weight> i enjoyed these. As a deload I'll be using more dbell exercises in weeks to come.
15 x 10, 17.5 x10, 20 x 10, 20 x 10, 17.5 x 10

Seated Mach Press with bands. Did these closer to lock out this week. This made them A LOT harder. I want to start full ROM pressing getting close to the best of the south.
40 x 10, 60 x 10, 60 x 10, 60 x 9, 40 x 8

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