Friday I trained quads with mike. I've been slack on the legs of late so this was a good wake up. My back was still dore though and a couple of times in the hi bar squats it hurt pretty bad. Got through it ok though.
Leg Ext
10bls x 12
20lbs x 16
30lbs x 15
40lbs x 15 x 3 I think. I like starting on these but I dont keep track very well.
Hi bar narrow squats
60 x 10, 100 x 10, 120 x 7, 120 x 10, 100 x 10
1 leg legpress
These were just way too sore for me to handle so I quit after the second set. I like them though. I know that people sing about going all the way down on these but with a heavy load and short range, it puts a good amount of stress directly on the glute and around the knee. Mike mentioned something about this as well and he's got bigger quads then most peoples backs.
Standing Calfs
Did these for the sake of it really. 10 sets with about 60kgs.
Saturday was just a core day. I only did 2 sets of each exercise so that I wouldnt fall into any crap form. High volume core work using the same movements in a single session is worthless in my opinion.
Barbell Pikes 20kgs x 20 x 2
straight leg lumbar rolls 20 x 2
reverse bench crunches 20 x 2
back extensions 12 x 2
high hanging leg raises
roll outs 10 x 2
Very short rests on all of these. Very bloody sore the following day, especially in the lower abs, which is what I'm after.
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