Rather then root my back more then it already is I decided to stick to speed deads, and bring up my upper back. This saves me having to lift too heavy too often. I stick to sumo for speed deads as I get a lot more out of them even though they cause some pretty mean DOMS on the inside of my hamstrings. Followed this up with 4 sets of reverse hypers, single leg kettlebell deadlifts (I think they're gat but I defintely feel them) and added in some camber bar goodmornings. The GM's were an addition to last weeks workload as I a get healthier again (plus an extra set on the other movements).
Didnt go too hard but still had a hard time bending over the next day.
Did speed bench and shoulders the following day (Friday). I added an extra chain to the bar weight (of 50kgs) so was 50+4 chains at the top. I'm taking a break from the bands to give my elbows a rest, but I still feel like I'm getting plenty out of it (can't beat the bands for building the stretch reflex though - although I feel like dips might be a good alternative).
Shoulders was some military press, but my energy evaporated quicker then I expected and I only fit in 4 sets at 65kgs before following up with some presses in the machine. Followed 5 sets of that (which was tougher then I expected only 5 sets of 10 with 48kgs) with some lateral cable raises (not worth mentioning the weights and reps as these are all done light for the sake of getting a decent pump as well as some facepulls - 42 x 15 x 5 try and do a bit to counter all the benching I've been doing of late.
Still feels like a gradual process but I'm defintely heading back up to where I want to be. Might put the shirt on next saturday then make a descision about the best of the south. I feel like my might be at my best in the shirt, but I've also dropped a bit of size so that could factor in with how well the katana goes, although my triceps are feeling pretty good with my close grip being the best I've been for ages. Will wait and see next week. Looking forward to it.
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