Couldn't be bothered keeping my log and updating this log for the past couple of months but decided today that I'll get back into keeping track of how I felt, ideas and stuff like that on here.
I'm at a very philosphical phase right now as I'm coping with a torn calf and a fucked back. The back injury was a real let down as it happened while I was stretching cold.
Up to that point my training had been going really well, but having said that I think I jumped too quick (like I always do) which meant I was carrying around more fatigue then usual.
The calf was a bit of accumulated fatigue and bad luck. Its a pretty nasty injury but healing quickly so hopefully I'll be able to have a bit of a muck around in the 3 lift next month, although my squats and deadlifts will likely be rubbish.
So I'm even more of a bench specialist then I had first planned. Nevermind. Wont make any blold plans here for any of the other lifts (squats, deads or strongman) but will still be incorporating plenty of that training.
First session this week will be chest tomorrow. Still have to decide what I'm going to do and what comps to target. I'd like to lift something decent at an Eastside comp this year and have a crack at 200 at the National bench.
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