Thought I might as well chuck this up here. Once again I'll be trying to keep my log updated...
Shirt work building up to this meet was improving but definitely not where I was planning to be at this stage. I flagged the Nationals and hoped on ticking off the 200 bench I had as a goal this year at this qualifier/meet instead (nats were never my goal so it made sense to save the money and have a crack at it (200kgs) at Eastside instead, with the best of the south and Eastside open as back ups).
So basically I was a month ahead of where I'd planned to be ready (Oct 16 as was my original plan for being ready to compete). I was confident with 200 off 1 board but had yet to touch with any weight and press it successfully. I opened on 205kgs. I couldn't touch with anything lighter.
I weighed in heavy by 200gms (100.2kgs) but didnt bother losing the extra weight and Alf mentioned that the 110kg Canty record was 202.5 (bench only was actually 192.5). My first lift was no good as my feet moved. Cliffy (head ref) filled me in and told me they actually moved on the decent.
I spent the time before my next lift focused solely on what I'd do with my upper body and forgot to adjust my feet when I setup for the second attempt but fortunately I got the lift. I had a crack at 210kgs on my 3rd attempt but it was too heavy.
Not sure where I'll aim with the shirt from now. Will probably chuck it on for the Canty bench next year, but I have to work on my speed and control bringin the bar down, but for the rest of this year I'll probably focus on brining up my raw strength and speed (for all 3 lifts)
Here's the vid: